#17 Katt's Fetish Academy: 1950s Households

What: This fetish can be considered a sub category under the D/s (Dominance/submission) part of the BDSM acronym. It hearkens back to the days of traditional gender roles, white picket fences, snappy suits and feminine dresses. Some engage in this lifestyle 24/7, while others roleplay it when the mood strikes. Some go so far as to decorate their homes with 1950s decor and technology, while others pick and choose the aspects that appeal to them. Traditionally this fetish involves a dominant male who works hard to bring home the bacon, and a submissive female who then makes him a sandwich with said bacon, but these are modern times and people have choices now! Sometimes the roles reverse, with a female working dominant and male homemaker, often in conjunction with sissification but not always. Corporal punishment and domestic discipline are also commonly associated with this fetish, but again...not always. Everyone's flavor of kink is just a little bit different - the only requirement is an interest in the traditional 1950's household values!
Why: First, the fashion. It's no secret that women enjoy men in suits! And the dresses back then were flattering to the female form as well as comfortable! And of course, I've yet to find a pair of legs that don't look good in heels. The division of labor also works very well. It's harder nowadays for one paycheck to support a family, but if you're lucky enough to have that kind of stability, it is absolutely wonderful having your other half (regardless of gender) take care of the house. With both people working, it's easy to neglect household chores and put effort into cooking dinner. Far too often, people come home from work exhausted. Wouldn't it be nice to have dinner and a back rub waiting for you? This traditional division of labor is not for everyone, but it does lend itself very, very nicely to a D/s relationship. `
My Experience: I definitely enjoy the fashion, and I love the idea of a white picket fence with a dungeon in the basement. I love D/s, though my preferences are less rigid than the traditional 1950s fetish implies. That division of labor also appeals to me. I am very domestic by nature. I love taking care of the house, the pets, and the people in it. These are things I could certainly do better if I didn't have to worry about money. Ultimately, this fetish resonates with me in a way that is similar to petplay and that is the only reason I don't engage with it much. I COULD do the 1950s thing, but petplay scratches all the same itches and more.
Final Thoughts: Like everything else in the sex world, consent is king. If this is a dynamic you are interested in, make sure you're up front about it! Any healthy D/s relationship requires negotiation, and it's absolutely okay to revisit that negotiation at any time. Communication is so important. Circumstances change. People change. It's okay. Remember that D/s is about trust and mutual respect. If you just want someone to take care of you so that you don't have to do anything, or if you just want a household slave to make you feel good, it's not going to work. Submissive does not mean weak and Dominant does not mean selfish. And yes! You can be a female submissive in a 1950s household dynamic and still be a feminist! It's okay to divide your labor in whatever way makes you feel good, whether it subscribes to traditional gender roles or not. You are an individual and you have the agency to determine the lifestyle that works best for you. In fact, that applies to men, women, and anyone anywhere on the gender identity spectrum. You do you!